Thursday, April 10, 2008

“said Bill Hartig, SPEEA Exectutive Board Secretary” tonight...

(On their alleged “No Spin Zone” webpage, the decerters claim “The [retirement class action suit] attorneys are retained on a contingency basis & will be paid out of any winnings from the lawsuit...”)

“Yes, sir,” SPEEA’s class action lawyer says, pointing to me as the next questioner.

“So,man... how are you getting paid for this lawsuit?”

The lawyer tries to respond, but I roll right over the top of him, continuing the question.

“When we win this thing and get our pension and early medical restored, do you lawyers take half of it as payment?”

Arlus stares, then chuckles as he realizes just who his questioner is, way in the back of Curtis Middle School’s auditorium. Ya see, we had a similar "compensation" conversation not more than two hours prior, in Deb Shepard’s office. And he hammers the softball question outta the park.

“SPEEA’s members don’t pay a thing; this is not a contingency, where we take a third of the settlement. Your union, like the IAM, is paying for its members...”

He then went on talking about ways SPEEA could recover their costs or something, but I really wasn’t paying much attention by then: he had me at “members don’t pay a thing.”

-- Bill, who’d also point out to the decerters that this is his “blogspot,” not SPEEA’s...

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