Friday, April 4, 2008

Have you no sense of decency, sir?...

“Spin” is one thing, but when the Decerters have to resort to outright lies to sell their petition, you know they’re desperate. And this morning they jumped the shark.

Out on their “FAQ” website, they have a list of bullsiht Q&As, but the the most absurd is

Q: Why have non-union employees enjoyed big bonuses, while SPEEA-WTPU workers have been left out in the cold? 

A: Spirit is limited by the SPEEA-WTPU "contract".  The "contract" establishes an effective ceiling.

Now, perhaps they have a different understanding of “ceiling” than do I, but the WTPU contract quite specifically states
2.1(b) The terms and conditions of this Agreement are minimum and the Company shall be free to grant more favorable terms and conditions to any employee at its discretion.

How “minimum” equates to “limited” and “ceiling” escapes me...

-- Bill, who couldn't make this stuff up if he tried...

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