Monday, March 31, 2008

SPEEA fights for better benefits

The decerters' second example of SPEEA’s alleged "spin" is their contention that the union "claims it fights for better benefits for us" and, as proof of the alleged distortion, they post something from an anonymous HR rep that states "your benefits are exactly the same [as the non-reps], so no need to worry about change."

I guess the decert argument is, basically, "who are you gonna believe: HR or your lying eyes?!" because I recall seeing something quite different.

While it’s true we've as yet been unsuccessful fighting for the bonus benefit, we were quite successful in improving other benefits from those that were imposed upon us the day Spirit Aerosystems (nee “Midwestern Aircraft”) took us over. If you recall, we hadn't concluded negotiations with our new employer so, on "Day One," the new owners implemented their "non-represented" benefits package on us all, union and non-union alike. Then, 'bout a month later, SPEEA finished its negotiations and we received far better benefits than those imposed on Day One. (I'm not going to list them again here... go check my essay from the last time an unsuccessful decert attempt at Spirit tried this argument.)

That the Company then improved the non-rep benefits to the better ones SPEEA negotiated doesn’t change the fact that SPEEA did fight for -- and obtain -- better benefits for us than the Company would willingly give.

And contrary to what the pirouetting decert folks would have you believe.

-- Bill, who’s surprised an agent of the Company would actually promise no change in benefits if the decert is successful...

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