Wednesday, May 7, 2008

No matter how cynical you get, it’s hard to keep up...

The decert group sent out a mass e-mail this morning defending their communications and I found the following excerpt quite amusing:

It appears necessary to refute charges [against the decert team] levied by SPEEA recently... No lies have been told and each statement is carefully researched to verify accuracy.

I’d call their attention to their incorrect statements of “fact” like
  • the retirement lawsuit lawyers are paid on contingency (they’re not)
  • our dues-paying membership is only 275 WTPU employees (we number far more)
  • our contract has an upper limit as to what the employer can provide (only lower limits)
  • non-represented employees have always received the same benefits as represented folks (they haven’t)
  • union reps don’t pay dues (we do)

...and suggest that if the decert leaders aren't outright lying about their “research,” they’re dangerously clueless incompetents.

-- Bill, who's now not sure if his pal Brian's a liar or a twit... [grin]


Anonymous said...

All this from a raving lunatic...

Anonymous said...

"anonymous" responds with:All this from a raving lunatic...

So, Brave Sir Robin, you only find fault with the messenger, but not the message?

In response to the decerters' claim that "each statement is carefully researced to verify accuracy," I listed five examples of decert statements that are unquestionably false. Ignoring me for the moment (drooling on myself and howling at the moon) how 'bout you and I just discuss my claims?

Unless, of course, you're my pal Brian hiding behind that cloak of anonymity. In that case...

-- Bill, who knows you are but what am I?!...